Be Respectful
Arrive on time and be ready to learn. Always have your correct and clean judogi and always have your sandals or flip flops (zoris) on your feet when you are off the mat. Female judokas always wear a plain white, or white club t-shirt under the judogi.
Rei (standing bow) as you enter the dojo, go onto the mat, leave the mat and as you leave the dojo.
The dojo is a safe, supportive and positive learning environment. Making fun of someone, bullying or discrimination of any kind is not permitted.
Eating or drinking in the dojo or on the mat is forbidden. Drinking alcohol in the dojo is forbidden. Choose to drink water to help keep you hydrated when training or competing.
Respect your instructors, coaches, fellow judokas, parents or other guests at all times. Listen to your coaches and respect any higher ranking player than you at all times. Look at them when they are speaking and pay attention.
When sitting, sit with legs extended or in kneeling position. Never lie on the mat!
Seek to practice with a higher ranking opponent, it’s how you get better.
If you have a problem with another student or questions of any kind please talk to one of the coaches.
Respect yourself, always strive to do your best at anything you do in life. Always strive for perfection.